New Ireland Province offers a very healthy range of surfing possibilities for the adventurous surfer. Best identified nowadays, is the northern end of mainland New Ireland and around the Kavieng area. There are plenty of options down the east coast along the Boluminski Highway. To the west of Kavieng extends the Bismarck Achipelago,
with over a hundred islands extending out to New Hanover which also has brilliant potential and uncrowded, often deserted reef breaks. Other large island groups are only now being identified with great new surfing possibilities emerging.
Kavieng is located just a couple of degrees south of the equator, and from November to April, during the northern hemisphere monsoon, the north coast and the string of island leading to the west, do enjoy North Pacific Ocean swells.
Nowadays, Kavieng is reasonably well known for having access to a good range of quality reef breaks in relatively close vicinity. Surf within the Kavieng area is now well identified, and has hosted many a traveling surfer. Most breaks in New Ireland Province are reef breaks, and vary in their degree of difficulty, depending on the size and direction of the swell, and the depth of the reef.
Naturally, access is important, with the Kavieng area and the east coast most accessible and most frequented. Locations further a field, are now being serviced by charter vessels based out of Kavieng.
Being based only a few degrees south of the equator ensures relatively stable weather patterns, although the area does enjoy good ocean swell generated in the North Pacific from Northern hemisphere monsoons (November to April). When these swells meet the myriad of reefs, the potential becomes very obvious. Swells generally range between 2 – 6 feet, and sometimes bigger. Most all breaks are over coral reef, which makes surfing all the more interesting.
The Kavieng area hosts the Kavieng Surf Club, with a new Club likely to emerge in Central New Ireland in the near future. These Clubs are affiliate Clubs of the Surfing Association of Papua New Guinea (SAPNG) and the Niu Ailan Surfriders Alliance (NASA). For more information surfing in New Ireland visit NASA's website at www.surfingpng-newireland.org.pg and the Associations website at www.surfingpapuanewguinea.org.pg which covers the best identified parts of the county for surf tourism, and essential information.
In an effort to promote sustainable development of this growing sport, the Niu Ailan Surfriders Alliance manage and oversee Surf Management Plans in four areas of New Ireland, essentially a surf quota system with prescribed base fees generated and dispersed between the Club and the resident communities adjacent the resource.
Visiting surfers to the Kavieng, East Coast, Central Coast and Lavongai (New Hanover) areas will need to make contact with the Niu Ailan Surfriders Alliance regarding the availability of space under the Management Plans. These Management Agreements are not exclusive to New Ireland, as other forms exist in other parts of Papua New Guinea, with the aim of fostering local club development, community development initiatives, good relations and just as importantly, sustainable surfing development and a truly unforgettable PNG surfing experience. Other locations are free to explore and utilize but it is essential that good sense prevail and residing communities be approached and give permission to Go for It ! Papua New Guinea acknowledges Customary Rights to Reefs and best not to simply assume, but to check first. |
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